KEEP SECURE, KEEP SAFE - Winter Home Safety Tips

Hints and Tips to safeguard your home this winter

The clocks have “fallen” back and the darker nights are here. Winter is on its way and it is key to safeguard your home. As a tenant you have specific obligations when renting a property.

We have highlighted below some Winter Tips to safeguard your home and some extra steps you can take to ensure you keep up to date with security alerts and information in your area:  

Tenant Obligations

As a tenant of a rented property, it is your responsibility to ensure that you maintain your property in line with your licence agreement. Re-read your lease agreement to see if there are any specific obligations required during Winter such as obtaining empty care checks or notifying your landlord if the property will be empty for an extended period. 

If you are planning on leaving your property empty for a prolonged period over winter (possibly returning home for Christmas).  Often a landlord will require notification if the property is going to be empty for 2 or more weeks.

Relocation Scotland provides an empty care service if required where we can check on your property at regular intervals as needed. Contact us today to find out more

Boiler Checks

One of the biggest risks during winter are frozen pipes. Your boiler should have been checked as standard when you first moved into the property, however this is required to be done annually. So, if it is longer than 12 months since you entered your property make sure to contact your landlord or property management company, so they can arrange for the annual gas safety check.


KEEP IT ON. Keeping your heating on continually throughout winter is advised. Use your homes central thermostat to control the temperature. By doing this if you are away from the property it will keep the pipes warm and hopefully prevent freezing and excessive condensation.


Review all property security to ensure it is fully working, such as alarms, front and back door locks and security lighting. Relocation Scotland would also advise you to put some form of automated lighting in place for the darker nights and if you will be out of your home for long periods through the day or on holiday. Having your lights on a timer to come on late afternoon/early evening can provide added security and safety when entering the property.

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland – Is a community led initiative which brings local people together to address crime and other safety issues. The programme works closely with local and national police and the regular alerts are a great source of information for crime prevention and awareness. Sign up to the alerts here Neighbourhood Watch Scotland | Sign-up for alerts - Neighbourhood Watch Scotland.

Local neighbourhood watch. Home | Neighbourhood Watch | National network | Local Watch areas | Community crime prevention groups ( – This is an app/web-based network where local communities come together to share recommendations, highlight area issues and share information as neighbours. Nextdoor


  • DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE – Please remember that in Scotland we have a zero-tolerance policy in place for drink driving. With the festive season around the corner please be aware of other less cautious drivers on the road, particularly in the wet and icy conditions.

  • The weather can be unpredictable during Winter so best to be prepared. Ensure that you have road side assistance in place and the contact numbers are easily accessible. In case of breakdown you should store a rug, spade, deicer and hi viz jacket in your car boot.

  • GRIT – It is advisable to obtain a store of ice grit in preparation of the colder weather. Local councils generally only grit main bus routes and pavements so local driveways and paths could be extra slippy in ice conditions.


Review your contents insurance. if you don’t have any in place now is the time to secure this. Make sure that your insurance provides suitable cover for contents in case of burst pipes.

If you have any questions regarding our Winter Tips and how Relocation Scotland can help you please do not hesitate to contact us on +44 (0) 1224 648488 or today.