Reconnaissance and Orientation Tours

These tours offer relocating individuals an overview of their forthcoming move, to ensure they have a realistic expectation of the area they are moving to. Our process starts well in advance of the move itself, with a detailed assessment of client needs.

Benefits of Reconnaissance and Orientation Tours

  • Reconnaissance tours offer significant cost savings to companies as they are conducted before a final decision on relocation is made.

  • These tours introduce clients to their potential destination, allowing them to sample a range of property types, and providing an overview of schooling, banking, healthcare, shopping, security and social activities.

  • Orientation tours give a wider overview of the local area once employees have moved into a chosen property.

  • Aimed at familiarising clients with their new surroundings, this tour covers all the important practicalities of moving to a new city including registering for healthcare, local supermarkets, gyms and other local amenities.

Finding a Home

A range of home search packages to suit individual client requirements.

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